Is There a Blind Spot in the Oversight of Human Subject Research?

A scientist examining samples.

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Jonathan Kimmelman
Jonathan Kimmelman, PhD, is Professor of Biomedical Ethics / Social Studies of Medicine at McGill University. His research centers on ethical, policy, and scientific dimensions of drug and diagnostics development, and he founded and directs the Studies of Translation, Ethics and Medicine (STREAM). In addition to his book, Gene Transfer and the Ethics of First-in-Human Experiments (Cambridge Press, 2010), major publications have appeared in Science, JAMA, BMJ, and Hastings Center Report. Kimmelman received the Maud Menten New Investigator Prize (2006), a CIHR New Investigator Award (2008), a Humboldt Bessel Award (2014), and is an Elected Fellow of the Hastings Center (2018). He has served on various advisory bodies within the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, the U.S. National Academies of Medicine, and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, and makes frequent appearances in the news media. He chaired the International Society of Stem Cell Research Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation revision task force 2015-16, is deputy editor at Clinical Trials, and serves as an associate editor at PLoS Biology.